Wisdom Teeth Day!


Getting your wisdom teeth out is sort of a right of passage for many college students. Well, it was my Jake’s turn to put his trust in the hands of an oral surgeon believing that this is the best way to keep his future teeth healthy and straight. He had a 10am apt this morning and he was even acting sort of excited on the way to the dentist. I think it was just Jake’s amazing way of finding the good in everything.

Well, now we are home. The goofy meds have worn off and he is laying in bed alternating ice on each side and replacing gauze. That early morning excitement has been replaced with nausea and pain.  Poor Jake. It’s killing me.

But, as I was writing down the time that I gave him his meds I was thinking to myself how thankful I am that I work from home. I don’t think there is a worse feeling for a mama than when her child is sick. No matter their age. We can’t stand to see them hurt.

As I sat down to eat my lunch, I scrolled through Facebook at two different pages I have been following. Each one of them was created by parents whose children are in the ICU. One was for a major burn and one suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident. I could feel a tear run down my throat as I said another prayer for each of them.

You know, we don’t always appreciate wellness until it is taken from us for a little while. We don’t always appreciate our precious home until we are knee-deep in doctor and hospital waiting rooms for a while. We don’t always appreciate making our kids sandwiches and fruit for their lunches until all they are able to hold down are liquids.

Though sickness is not from God, I believe He uses it to put our perspective back where it needs to be. Then, when His healing hands are at work, our thankfulness is that much more evident. I am so grateful for my son’s mouth that already knows how to stop bleeding. I am so thankful for my son’s immune system that already knows how to kick into high gear to prevent infection. I am so thankful for my son’s body that God designed for him and gave to him. I am so thankful for His Great Physician that takes full responsibility for his healing. I’m just thankful I guess.

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go check on my boy.


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2 Responses to Wisdom Teeth Day!

  1. Loree says:

    What a great Mom you are. I too, walked this path with my 22 year old son. No matter what age, my “Mommy” instinct goes in to high gear when my 22 and 26 year old children need me. SO grateful that I have been able to be present each time they’ve needed me in medical need/crisis.
    Thank you for the reminder to be grateful for past blessings and the many gifts He’s given me. So blessed.

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