He Can Hear You

Have you ever heard sandhill crane’s communicate? How about from pasture to pasture? Um…if not, let me tell you, they are loud. They love to hear themselves speak and they love to speak to other cranes miles away. In the morning at the farm when a flock flies in and starts grazing, you will know it.

I sat out on my swing this morning praying and a group of cranes started in. They would squawk for about 30 seconds then stop. When they would stop, you could hear roosters softly out in the distance, sparrows in nearby tress, and crickets and bullfrogs, nestling in for the day. Then they would squawk again and the background noise would disappear. It is truly a symphony sometimes.

I heard God say, “I hear them all.” God isn’t overwhelmed and unable to hear the sparrow and bullfrog and the fluttering of the butterflies as they dance, because the sandhill cranes are talking. God can decipher each voice and it is the same with us.

I went to a women’s conference last night and there were so many women there, every seat was taken. I was happy for the hosts that they got such a great turn out. During worship the music was pumping and probably 500 women were singing praises to God. As I worshipped I couldn’t even bring myself to sing the words, I just meditated on being in the room with God. I hummed and prayed as the countless voices reverberated off the walls.

As I worshipped, talked to God, repented for bad thoughts, and asked Him to quiet insecurities I was having, He continued to minister to me in that huge crowd the same way He does each morning on my porch when it is just Him, me and the birds. He just kept reminding me, He hears me. I just kept worshipping and honoring Him. It was truly amazing. I just kept marveling at the thought that He loves everyone of these women that same way. I prayed to Him that they would all know that in their deepest knower.

It doesn’t matter if we are in the country surrounded by wildlife or in a loud city surrounded by honking horns and rustling people. God hears us. He sees us. He knows us. He loves us. He speaks to us. When we can tune our ears to hear, no matter the background noise, He will speak. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

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