Even The Demons Know

Lately I am confronted over and over with how much things have changed since I was a kid. Last night we finished dinner, homework and our family had no meetings or events to be at. I popped some popcorn and said: “let’s watch a sit-com. I want to laugh.” Since it was only 8pm, I thought we were safe to find something appropriate for our family to watch together. Turns out, I was wrong again. We would have a show on no longer than two or three minutes and some kind of word, or inappropriate idea was displayed and Tommy would hit the clicker again. It was very disheartening. I said to Tommy. “I feel so bad for our kids. We had such awesome sit-coms when we were kids to choose from. Family Ties, The Brady Bunch, Happy Days, Laverne and Shirly.” The three main stations have nothing like this anymore. Really sad! I might sound like The Church Lady here but in general, TV has become a little evil. So, in an effort to guard our hearts, our family has resorted to “some” Disney Channel, “some”HGTV and “some” ESPN, “some” TBN, Done!

Then this morning I read from Matthew. 8:28-34 and I thought about something. The demons and Satan know their time is numbered as Jesus is going to be returning for His bride, the church, so they are working overtime!

This story is of Jesus walking into a graveyard because of His compassion for the two men that were demon-possessed. When the demons saw Jesus coming they said in vs 29: “Have you come here to torchure us before the appointed time?” Hmm…”the appointed time?” That screams to me that Satan’s army of demons know that their ultimate fate is the lake of fire talked about in Revelation 20:10. And, they may even know when it is.

They surely know they have a limited amount of time to torchure with an attempt to steal, kill and destroy. But, the truth is they also know that they have NO power to fight Jesus. Because the truth is, nothing can stand up to the name of Jesus. Even demons have to flee. They beg Jesus to send them into a herd of pigs, and when He does, these pigs run into a lake and are drowned.

When the people in town see it, they ask Him to leave town. Why? I think it’s because they know what they struggle with and they don’t want to be found out. They watched Jesus release these two poor men, but the actual fear of His power overwhelmed them. Or maybe they were not ready to let go of their junk. Maybe they liked their junk. Maybe we do to.

I’ll tell you, if we could get a hold of the amount of power on the inside of us as born-again children of God!!!!! Demons would have no power in our lives. Strongholds would be broken, habits would be broke, healings would happen, souls would be won!

Do we tap into that power? Do we embrace it? Or do we ask Jesus politely to leave the room (like they asked Him to leave town)  so we can watch what our flesh is screaming for and play what we want to play with?

Ok, Jesus, you win…again! I choose YOU! There’s not a show, movie, book, hobby, past-time, or person more important to me than your will in my life. I choose You! Cast out whatever is in me that needs to be made clean. I love you! In Jesus’ name!

Have a blessed day in The Lord!

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1 Response to Even The Demons Know

  1. Crysloves says:

    That’s right not one ounce of power do they have over my Daddy!!

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